Friday, February 22, 2008

We've been tagged, too!

We've been tagged! We've been tagged!

Here are the rules:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you
2. Post THE RULES on your blog
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog
4. Tag 7 people and link to them
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged

Albert: (I'm first 'cause I'm the eldest and biggest)

1. I will be 80 years old this year! Still young for a gnome.
2. Gnomes don't get married until they are 100. In 10 years time, I will look for a girlfriend.
3. I like elderberry wine and fried mushrooms.
4. I'm allergic to strawberries.
5. I was born near the Fens.
6. I came to Australia in a big boat.
7. Tim is my best friend.


1. I am only 60 years old.
2. I don't like girl gnomes. They have girl gnome germs.
3. I used to steal milk from the cows. Now I steal underpants.
4. I have a big collection of stolen underpants.
5. The underpants will make me rich one day.
6. I grew up in a home for orphan gnomes. I don't know where I was born.
7. My best friend used to be a leprachaun, but he got greedy with his gold, so now my best friend is Albert.

Hey Albert, we have to tag someone now!
Yeah, Tim, but who do we tag?
We could tag people who don't know us! That would really be a good trick!
OK, let's go looking!

We tag Susan, Nola, Stephanie, Christina


catsmum said...

okay my loves
I have NO idea how you found my Blog but I'm game. I need to do this Meme again anyway - been tagged by several people - oh the joys of being popular !
Shhhh! really it's the goats who have the following, not me, but if you don't tell them I won't either.

catsmum said...

and Lindi? this is all YOUR fault for encouraging them!!

Pennie said...

Oh Albert the Fens are a lovely part of the world... don't you miss them? Or do you go back often??