Friday, April 11, 2008

Scatterday K

The letter K! Goody goody!

"The underpants gnomes are we,
so don't be surprised to see,
the letter k
will let us play,
it suits us to a T!"

Hobbies: Well that's easy! Knicker stealing!

Office things: Knickers! Well, everyone in this office wears them, and besides, at this address, this is also where the washing is sorted!

Things we like the smell of: Ha! You thought we were going to say Knickers, didn't you? Well,

You were right! Clean ones, of course! (don't be rude) We love the smell of the sunshine and the fragrance of the washing powder on all clean washing.


Anonymous said...

LOL. I did expect knickers, amazing that you managed to put them in all three categories. Quite brazen, really.

Di said...

What cheeky scallywags you are!

Michelle Watters said...

I love the smell of clean washing too but my inside information is that your office is definitely pant free.

the Infamous Gnomes said...

Not true, Michelle! Even now, todays washing is sitting in the office waiting to be sorted, including knickers!
(The office is a big room at the back of the house. It used to be the family room/rumpus room, until the office took over.)